Our Approach

Our Story

Prayer Jar


What is the purpose of a prayer jar? Using a prayer jar can be designed in a personal way. It can be a recording of prayer requests, answered prayers or blessings. Several years ago, when I began to study God’s word, I created my own prayer jar. As I would be reading my bible early in the morning, a verse would jump out and touch my heart. I wanted to remember the verse and how it spoke to me. So I would find a slip of paper and write down the verse. It occurred to me the other side of the paper would be a perfect place to write a short message, affirmation or response to God.

As I collected the slips of paper, I stuffed them into an old glass jar and tightened the lid. After several months of studying day in and day out, there were days when I could not get motivated to read my bible. It wasn’t because I was not interested in spending time with God. I thought that maybe I was trying too hard. On those occasions, I would empty the contents of my prayer jar on my table. And, I would start reading them.

Then there were times when a difficult event would start to unravel during the middle of the day. Something unexpected. You know the kind of thing like a phone call from a friend who is hurting, a conversation with someone that caused confusion or hurt, another encounter with your child or an unexpected notice in the mail. Well, on those occasions, I turned to my prayer jar and emptied the contents. I read those slips of paper in search of a few that would redirect my thoughts.

My prayer jar sat on a table and any time I needed a reminder from my source of peace, I didn’t have to go far to find a meaningful verse. I already had many of them at my fingertips. As I looked over the verses and prayers on the slips of paper, I felt a sense of comforting calmness. The words on those slips of paper lifted me up where I was and into God’s presence. Believe me there was more than one occasion when I would be energetically emptying the jar, finding my way back with a passion to seek God. It always worked, and I am so thankful for that!

This section is a place I would like to share my prayer jar verses and responses with you. Please use them freely and print them.. I also encourage you to start your own prayer jar. It can be a simple glass jar like the one I used or you can create something that reflects your spirit. What is important is that you add your own discoveries to the Prayer Jar. And if you cannot find verses or prayers to write on your own, you can borrow these ones I am sharing.

In time God will show you what He would like you to discover in your study time with him. As you grow closer to him and his word, it will happen. Because wherever his word is, you will find rest.

Click Below to Read or Print Scriptures for your Prayer Jar:



For it is God who works in

Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance

Be alert of sober mind

        For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power 

For no word from God will ever fail 

Lord, I love the house where you live

But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way 

Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths

There is no fear in love 

...for "people are slaves to whatever has mastered them"

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not

When the Lord takes pleasure in anyone's way

You turned my wailing into dancing

When you lie down, you will not be afraid

My sheep listen to my voice

I the Lord do not change

The Lord will guide you always

"The eye is the lamp of the body

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment

The Spirit of God has made me

I love you, Lord, my strength

Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character"